Tuesday, April 23, 2013

2013 NBHA Texas State Show Information

Hello Texas NBHA members!
We are excited to announce that the Texas State Show will be held in Waco Texas again this year June 28-30, 2013.   We are working on updating our website this week!
Follow the link for the show flyer...

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Welcome to NBHA North Texas Region

North Texas State Championships

March 23-24 2013
The Josey Ranch Karnack Texas

$$ 500 ADDED MONEY $$…North TX State Championships March 23-24, 2013. Average Buckles and other prizes 1-5th place in Open 4D. Saturday, March 23rd office opens 9am, exhibitions 9:30-1pm $5ea, Main Race Open 4D $45/day race starts 2pm, and Youth 18& under 4D to follow $25 EF (Saturday one go only). Sunday, March 24th office opens 8am, Church 8:30am, no exhibitions, Main Race Open 4D starts at 10 am, and Senior 50& over 4D to follow $20 EF (Sunday one go only). Main race average buckles and prizes based on 2 runs, times divided equally placed into 4D format. Youth 4D 18& under buckles and prizes to each D 1st-3rd(one go only). Seniors 4D 50& over buckles and prizes to each D 1st-3rd (one go only). Must be NBHA member to compete in Main Race, Senior and Youth classes. Join NBHA at the show! Only North Texas NBHA districts 15,17,19,20 and Tx00 qualify for awards. Tx 14 will be eligible to qualify for awards at this show. All other Texas NBHA members may run for the CASH! Dress code long sleeve with collar, hat/helmet, boots or riding shoes. Futurity 5yrs and under /Derby up to 7 yrs $20 side-pot, carry over only from 4D open main race paid each day. Futurity and Derby side-pot: 2D 1 second split. NBHA rules and payout will apply. Current Coggins must be shown at check in. Rv’s $50/ weekend, stalls $50/ weekend. Chili cook off Sat night, District Spirit contest, Door prizes, Church service Sun 8:30am and more. Post mark deadline for pre-entries March 4, 2013.
Draw will be posted March 18th, or you may enter at the race.   

The Josey Ranch 8623 SH 43 N, Karnack Tx 75661

Entry forms, rules & FMI: http://www.nbhanorthtx.com/p/state-shows.html

NBHA North Texas State Director Stacy Jerrett 254-965-3623
 nbhanorthtexas@gmail.com or stacy_jerrett@yahoo.com

North Texas State Director

Districts 15,17,19,20

The NATIONAL BARREL HORSE ASSOCIATION would like to announce that Stacy Jerrett has accepted the position of the North Texas State Director. 
Congratulations Stacy, you will be a great asset to NBHA in Texas!