Rules and Information

NBHA Texas State Show Championships - 2013
Official Rules - Texas
Waco Texas June 28-30 2013
1)  All participants in NBHA State Championships must be current members in good standing at the time of show.
2)  All NBHA Rules will apply as set forth in NBHA Rulebook.
3)  No member may compete in more than one NBHA State Championship during a calendar year.  (Regional Championships of North Tx, SouthTx,  and West Tx are not considered a "State Championship".)
4)  To be eligible to enter the Texas State Championships 2013, all participants must have competed in three district shows in their declared competition district from June 1 2012 - June 27 2013.
5)  In State Championship with two go’s, participants may advance only two horses to final round per division.  If you qualify more than two, it is the discretion of the rider to choose which horses move forward to finals.  The first two horses you qualify on will not be eligible to qualify in another round, in another division.
6)  Horse and rider combination may not change draw positions under any circumstance.
7)  No rider substitutions allowed.
8)  Horse changes must be received in show office before you compete.  In each State Championships, where there are short go’s, you must compete on the horse you rode in qualifying rounds.
9)  If participant competes out of turn, he/she will be disqualified.
10)  Electric timer must be used for all rides.  Should the timer malfunction, a rerun will be granted immediately after the event is completed for the day, and after a drag, or at the discretion of the show manager.
11)  Horse may only run once per class.  Exception Rule 12 Section A in the NBHA Rulebook.
12)  The carryover rule may be used for qualifying rounds only.  The will be no times carried over to a finals run.
13)  NBHA Officials have the right to disqualify any uncontrolled horse which doesn’t begin its performance within three minutes of the time rider has been called.
14)  Any questions or disputes that may arise during the show will be settled by the show manager.  His/her decision will be final.
15)  Once a horse and rider combination crosses timeline, run begins.  a rerun will be granted if for some reason horse crosses timeline without rider, although rider must be able to ride in draw position assigned.
16)  Knocking over a barrel results in a no time.
17)  There will be no reruns granted if a horse falls during competition run.
18)  Vet out’s must be received in show office seven days prior to show.  NBHA reserves the right to retain any fees applicable.  

If a member wishes to change their competition district, they must fill out the "Declaration of Competition District" form and email to
It's also a good idea to check the nbha website under the members tab to check to see that the change has been made.